1) First and foremost think about who your target audience is. What do you want to achieve in talking to them through social media? What actions do you want them to take? Once you’re clear on your target audience you can then engage with them on the social media sites they’re more likely to visit.
2) Don’t post updates without having some sort of plan in place. It’s much more effective to plan out a series of posts for the coming week or month for example than to use a scattergun approach and post blindly without any foresight or strategy in place. Try to spend some time at the start of each week to set out what the key messages are that you want to communicate, when you plan to make your updates and across which social media platforms.
3) Following on from tip 2 – if you really want to take things to the next level, you can even schedule your posts in advance. Tools such as Hootsuite make this possible as well as providing insights into how each post is performing.
4) Keep your social media updates interesting and relevant. It's important not to go into a full sales pitch in every update you make but rather, be helpful and provide information that will be of value. If you can anticipate the types of questions that your customers and audience need answers t- then that's a good start for your social updates.
5) Respond to comments made on social media sites. If someone has made a comment (either negative or positive) be sure to respond. Even if someone has posted a bad review of your business online respond to it in a professional and polite manner. In doing so, you will show that you are proactive when it comes to customer service for your business and you take people’s feedback seriously.
6) Measure your activity. Track what works best and which types of posts get the most interaction. If you’re finding that people interact more with certain content than others – keep doing more of the same and give the people what they want!! That being said, you can still mix things up. If you want to try something new – do it. Just see if it brings in results. Each of the social media platforms come equipped with their own sophisticated insights dashboards so you can see who has interacted with your content as well as other useful information such as demographics (age, sex etc.). The more you know about your audience on social media the better your communication to them will be.
When it comes to social media – particularly for small business, we recognise that time is critical to you. If other priorities within your business don’t make it possible for you to do as much on social media as you’d like – you can enlist the help of experts. That’s where Woocom can help. Not only can we set up social media channels for your business, we can also manage it for you. This takes the hassle away from you – leaving you to focus on what you do best and that’s running your business. If you would like to talk to us about social media get in touch on 1300 966 266.
*According to recent research from New York University.