Facebook to delete fake Page 'Likes'
Facebook has announced that it will be clamping down on fake accounts and deleting Page Likes associated with them in order to improve the sites integrity.
10 Ways to Drive Traffic to your Facebook Page
Need to drive traffice to your Facebook page? Don't know where to start? Check out our infographic, it will get you started in 10 easy steps.
Making the switch to Google+
Last Monday Facebook subtly switched user’s email addresses from their regular email to a new Facebook email address. Many bloggers noticed over the weekend that their contact information had been automatically changed to an @facebook.com email address.
Facebook Edge Rank - How To Not Be Boring!
So this week Facebook released its latest feature – promoted posts. You can now pay up to $20 to have your post appear in more of your fans news feeds.
Top 10 Tips for your Business's Facebook Page
Since the launch of Facebook Pages for business 3 years ago, more and more companies have begun to realize the importance of having a presence in social media.