Thursday, 17 April 2014 01:50

Email marketing is still king when it comes to delivering ROI so why are some people claiming it is dead?

There is no denying the power that Social Media has to play when it comes to communicating with clients and prospective customers but what impact has that had on email? Judging by the articles that are appearing in Google search results (below) email is set to rest in peace but…
Thursday, 03 April 2014 05:07

MYOB's Infographic shows that 56% of businesses with a website see an increase in sales

According to the latest research from MYOB on the latest State of the Digital Nation, it has been reported that a massive 56% of companies with a website see an increase in sales. Yet, surprisingly, only 25% of Small Businesses in Australia have a website.
Tuesday, 01 April 2014 02:09

Google maps looks different – what’s with that?

If you're a regular user of Google Maps, you may have noticed some changes to it over the past few months so here's an overview of what's different to help you when using Google Maps in the future.
Friday, 21 March 2014 01:05

The Privacy act changes and what they mean to you

You may have seen in the news lately that some changes have been made to The Privacy Act (on March 12th) which you need to be aware of as any breach to the Act could have financial consequences and potentially also harm your business reputation.
Wednesday, 05 March 2014 00:55

New business bible from Woocom

Let’s face it, Social Media is here to stay so if you have a website or are looking to get one in the near future, you really need to be looking at ways you can make Social Media work in driving more visitors to your site.