Social media is an instant, brief, two-way conversation with your audience, whereas Email marketing can deliver more content heavy and complex information. So should you integrate your Email and Social Media – Yes, we think you should!
One of the advantages of integrating the two mediums is list growth. Your email subscribers can be enticed to join your Facebook or Twitter page and your social followers can be migrated onto your email subscriber list.
So how do you do it? Woocom Campaigner has many options to help you integrate your Email and Social media…
Include social sharing links in your email campaigns
Allow your email subscribers to Like, Tweet and Share your Email messages. This will post the message to their Wall and News Feed for all of their friends and followers to see.
Include social buttons in your email template
If you didn’t have your social media accounts set up when you started email marketing, or your template is a little dated you may want to add links to your social pages to your template. You can then ask your email subscribers to like you or follow you. If you don’t ask, you don’t get right? Offering incentives such as special content, discount code or a competition can often provide the extra motivation to get people to hit that Like button.
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Post your emails, along with a status update to your Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn accounts
Did you know that Woocom Campaigner allows you to post your emails directly to your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages? Social sharing will post a status update and a link to the online version of your email to your followers News Feed. Your campaign reporting will also show you the number of clicks and Likes / Tweets / Shares it generated.
Include Subscribe forms on your Facebook page
Why not add a new tab with your subscribe form directly to your Facebook page? This will help encourage your Facebook fans to join your email list. Be sure to offer them something worth their time and email address. Adding a subscribe form to your page is quick and easy to do and a great way to grow your list.
Integrated marketing is becoming increasingly important in today’s over-crowded and cluttered market place. It is important to offer a consistent message over a variety of channels. Integrating social media and Email marketing will allow you to offer instant updates to stay top of mind as well as in-depth content to drive engagement, loyalty and eventually, purchase.
Woocom Campaigner has many tools to assist you in integrating your communications, driving engagement and staying top of mind. Give us a call today (1300 966 266) if you’d like to find out more.