Is your Social Media working hard enough for you?
As a Small Business Owner you need to make sure that all of your marketing efforts are paying off and that includes Social Media Marketing. When is the last time you did a quick audit of your Social Media channels? Well, our handy checklist will help you to identify the top 4 things to look at when it comes to your Social Media Strategy and see how your Social Media could work harder for you.
Maximise your online presence with heat maps
If you have a website for your business it's important to ensure that they have been optimised and designed with the end user in mind and a useful way of determining this is through the use of heat maps.
With the launch of Google 4.0 it’s more important than ever to create good content (Infographic)
One of the posts on our blog last week talked about the release of Google 4.0 (which seeks to penalise websites with poor quality content by pushing them down in search results) and how important it is to ensure that you create good content and make this business practise. Well, this is a follow up to that post and looks at how, as a business, you can use content to communicate with your customers.
Why the launch of Google Panda 4.0 could mean good news for your business
Panda 4.0 was released on 21st May 2014 and was announced by Matt Cutt’s himself via his very own Twitter feed.
Business Blogs to inspire you to grow your business
If you’re in need of some inspiration or motivation to make your business better the answer could lie in blogs.
This post has been inspired by a recent article on, which gave a run-down of the Top 20 Business Blogs in Australia. But, rather than run through all 20, we thought we would share the ones we feel will give you – the Small Business Owner – the most value and inspiration.