Top 5 pages every website should have

Top 5 pages every website should have

If you’re reading this blog post, chances are you already have a website and are intrigued to see if it features the top 5 pages we reference in this post, or, you are thinking about getting a website soon in which case, this article should help to make it clear what your website needs to include.

1. Homepage

First and foremost your website must have a homepage. The homepage is the first thing people expect to see when they come to your site and the first page they will visit. But, they will only visit it for a mere moment. 3.5 seconds to be precise so you need to make a good first impression and fast!

For your homepage to work at its best it should:

  • Create a good first impression
  • Encapsulate what your business provides
  • Conveys your value proposition (what makes you different from the rest)
  • Grab people’s attention
  • Show’s a call to action (e.g. sign up to our newsletter, or show your phone number, link to a contact form etc.)

2. Products or services page

Once people have looked through your homepage, chances are, they will be interested to find out more about the products and services you offer. This is where it helps to have specific product or service pages that are available in your website navigation menu. Not only does this make it easier for people to find the information they are looking for but it also helps you to track what the highest performing sections of your website (through Google Analytics).

3. About Us page

People do business with people, and in turn, expect to see information on who is behind each company. By nature, we’re curious and so want to find out a bit more about previous experience, why the company was set up and when it was started. Don’t be shy here. Use this page to sell yourself as well as your business.

4. Subscription page

The very fact that people have found your website and come to it shows that they are interested in your business so don’t waste the opportunity to get their details! Whether you simply feature a mini form on your website that you want people to use to sign up to your newsletter, or you ask people to provide their email address in exchange for a free guide you are offering through your site, be sure to have a page on your site that will grow your contact database. The more people that provide you with their email address, the larger the audience you have to talk to and the wider the scope to get your brand and company name out there!

5. Contact Page

If your website visitors want to ask you a question – make it easy for them to do so. A contact page should provide your basis business details like address, telephone number, contact email addresses, possibly even a contact us form too. If you have business profiles on Social Media sites like Facebook and Twitter and the like, be sure to feature links to each social media listing on the contact page so that you can be found.

If you need help with designing your website, or would like to add pages to your existing website based on the information provided in this post, let us know. Give us a call on 1300 966 266.

Posted in: Website Design
On: 06 Jun 2014